Let's Get Your Life Back

Anxiety, OCD, and Eating Disorder Treatment
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Tired of Anxiety Calling the Shots?

Experiencing anxiety can feel like living on the edge of a cliff. You're constantly waiting for something bad to happen, even when things are going well. This may be experienced as intrusive thoughts, physical sensations of shortness of breath and racing heartbeat, complicated relationship with food, or engaging in compulsive behaviors that rule your life. Often it is hard to talk about or even explain why you constantly feel overwhelmed. I am a licensed clinical therapist in both California and Colorado (LMFT 111543 and LMFT 0002228) specializing in the treatment of anxiety disorders including OCD, panic disorder, compulsive skin picking/hair pulling, phobias, body dysmorphia, and eating disorders. I am passionate about providing practical skills and education to empower my clients to begin experiencing immediate relief from their symptoms. I focus on the client as a whole person with unique needs and goals. This means I prioritize building a strong relationship with you and a comprehensive treatment plan that will not only target any current mental health challenges, but help you function better in all areas of your life. My ultimate goal is for you to not need me, as I teach my clients the skills to become their own therapist. I am trained in Exposure and Response Prevention, the "gold standard" for anxiety disorders, and use this along with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to support clients to reduce their suffering from anxiety. I consider success for my clients to be when they are re-engaged in their work, family lives, relationships, and hobbies with relief from their initial symptoms. Most importantly, success is when clients themselves feel they have met their goals. Clients report my style as warm, empathetic, and non-judgmental, with a healthy dose of tough love to challenge them to overcome their fears. I am constantly inspired by clients' courage and wisdom in this work. If this sounds like something you're interested in, reach out to me for a free 15 minute consultation to see if I'd be a good fit for your needs.
Carrie Cueto
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist


  • Anxiety
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Eating Disorders
  • Body Image Disorders


  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Exposure Response Prevention (ERP)
  • Acceptance and Commitment (ACT)
  • Somatic

Insurance Accepted

  • Lyra


“Carrie provided me a space where I felt truly understood without judgement. She taught me ways to manage my anxiety and overcome fears. I no longer have panic attacks and I am finally trusting myself”

Previous Client, Female Age 30

“I was able to go off to college and stop obsessing about food thanks to the work I did in therapy with Carrie. I didn't realize how much time my anxiety took from my life and I am happy to no longer focus on negative thoughts.”

Current client

“Carrie has been a life saver! Last year I felt debilitated by anxiety and now I have a job, am back to school, and can even fly on planes without panic attacks. Life is still hard sometimes but I learned tools so I can handle it”

Previous Client, Male, 22